home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- function dumpnl(msg) {
- dump(msg + "\n");
- }
- var sessionTreeView = {
- treeBox: null,
- selection: null,
- rowCount: 0,
- sessions: null,
- sessionExpanded: [],
- childRow: {
- autosave: "",
- windows: "",
- tabs: "",
- timestamp: "",
- name: "Window names here"
- },
- atom_latest: null,
- atom_autosave: null,
- setData: function(data) {
- this.sessions = data;
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
- this.sessionExpanded[i] = false;
- }
- this.rowCount = data.length;
- dumpnl("rowCount = " + data.length)
- var aserv=Components.classes["@mozilla.org/atom-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAtomService);
- this.atom_latest = aserv.getAtom("latest");
- this.atom_autosave = aserv.getAtom("autosave");
- if (this.treebox)
- this.treebox.invalidate();
- },
- setTree: function(treeBox) {
- dumpnl("setTree(" + treeBox + ")");
- this.treeBox = treeBox;
- },
- getRowWhere: function(predicate) {
- idx = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sessions.length; ++i) {
- var tmp = {idx: idx, index: i, isContainer: true, data: this.sessions[i]};
- if (predicate(tmp))
- return tmp;
- if (this.sessionExpanded[i]) {
- ++idx;
- var tmp = {idx: idx, isContainer: false, data: this.childRow};
- if (predicate(tmp))
- return tmp;
- }
- ++idx;
- }
- dumpnl("getRowWhere: NOT FOUND")
- return {};
- },
- getRow: function(idx) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sessions.length; ++i) {
- if (idx-- == 0)
- return {index: i, isContainer: true, data: this.sessions[i]};
- if (this.sessionExpanded[i] && idx-- == 0)
- return {isContainer: false, data: this.childRow};
- }
- dumpnl("getRow: NOT FOUND")
- return {};
- },
- getCellText: function(idx, column) {
- // dumpnl("getCellText(" + idx + ", " + column.index + ")");
- var row = this.getRow(idx);
- var session = row.data;
- switch (column.index) {
- case 0: return "";
- case 1: return session.windows;
- case 2: return session.tabs;
- case 3:
- if (row.isContainer)
- return yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm(new Date(session.timestamp));
- return session.timestamp;
- case 4: return session.name;
- }
- return "?";
- },
- getCellProperties: function(idx, column, prop) {
- // dumpnl("getCellProperties(" + idx + ", " + column.index + ")");
- var session = this.getRow(idx).data;
- if (this.sessions.latestName == session.name)
- prop.AppendElement(this.atom_latest);
- if (column.index == 0 && session.autosave == "session")
- prop.AppendElement(this.atom_autosave);
- },
- isContainer: function(idx) {
- // dumpnl("isContainer(" + idx + ")");
- return this.getRow(idx).isContainer;
- },
- isContainerOpen: function(idx) {
- // dumpnl("isContainerOpen(" + idx + ")");
- return this.sessionExpanded[this.getRow(idx).index];
- },
- isContainerEmpty: function(idx) {
- // dumpnl("isContainerEmpty(" + idx + ")");
- return false;
- },
- isSeparator: function(idx) {
- // dumpnl("isSeparator(" + idx + ")");
- return false;
- },
- isSorted: function() {
- // dumpnl("isSorted()");
- return false;
- },
- isEditable: function(idx, column) {
- // dumpnl("isEditable(" + idx + ", ", column + ")");
- return false;
- },
- getParentIndex: function(idx) {
- // dumpnl("getParentIndex(" + idx + ")");
- if (this.isContainer(idx)) return -1;
- return idx - 1;
- },
- getLevel: function(idx) {
- // dumpnl("getLevel(" + idx + ")");
- if (this.isContainer(idx)) return 0;
- return 1;
- },
- hasNextSibling: function(idx, after) {
- var row = this.getRow(idx);
- if (!row.isContainer)
- return false;
- return row.index < this.sessions.length - 1;
- },
- toggleOpenState: function(idx) {
- var row = this.getRow(idx);
- if (!row.isContainer)
- return;
- var isOpen = this.sessionExpanded[row.index];
- if (this.sessionExpanded[row.index])
- --this.rowCount;
- else
- ++this.rowCount;
- this.treeBox.rowCountChanged(idx + 1, isOpen?-1:1);
- this.sessionExpanded[row.index] = !isOpen;
- },
- getImageSrc: function(idx, column) {},
- getProgressMode : function(idx,column) {},
- getCellValue: function(idx, column) {},
- cycleHeader: function(col, elem) {},
- selectionChanged: function() {},
- cycleCell: function(idx, column) {},
- performAction: function(action) {},
- performActionOnCell: function(action, index, column) {},
- getColumnProperties: function(column, element, prop) {},
- getRowProperties: function(idx, prop) {}
- };
- function zerofill(x, w) {
- return ("0000000000" + x).slice(-w);
- }
- function yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm(d) {
- return (
- zerofill(d.getFullYear(),4) + "-" +
- zerofill(d.getMonth(),2) + "-" +
- zerofill(d.getDate(),2) + " " +
- zerofill(d.getHours(),2) + ":" +
- zerofill(d.getMinutes(),2)
- );
- }
- function getSelectedSession() {
- var tree = document.getElementById("sessiontree");
- // var view = tree.view;
- var view = sessionTreeView;
- var row = view.getRow(tree.currentIndex);
- if (row.isContainer)
- return row.data;
- return view.getRow(tree.currentIndex-1).data;
- }
- //
- // Prompt handling
- //
- function stdMode() {
- document.getElementById("stdMode").setAttribute("disabled", false);
- var ok_button = document.getElementById("ok_button");
- ok_button.removeEventListener("command", ok_button.my_listener, false);
- document.getElementById("key_input_mode_cancel")
- .setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- document.getElementById("sessiontree").focus();
- document.getElementById("prompt").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
- }
- function onTextboxInput() {
- var sessions = sessionTreeView.sessions;
- var ok_button = document.getElementById("ok_button");
- var input = document.getElementById("text_box").value;
- for (var i = 0; i < sessions.length; ++i)
- if (sessions[i].name == input) {
- ok_button.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- return;
- }
- ok_button.setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- }
- function inputMode(label, ok_func, initial_value) {
- document.getElementById("stdMode").setAttribute("disabled", true);
- var ok_button = document.getElementById("ok_button");
- ok_button.setAttribute("label", label);
- ok_button.addEventListener("command", ok_func, false);
- ok_button.my_listener = ok_func;
- document.getElementById("key_input_mode_cancel")
- .setAttribute("disabled", "false");
- document.getElementById("prompt").setAttribute("hidden", "false");
- var text_box = document.getElementById("text_box");
- text_box.value = initial_value? initial_value : getSelectedSession().name;
- text_box.focus();
- }
- function onCancel() {
- stdMode();
- }
- //
- // Cmd handlers
- //
- function onCmdOpen(mode) {
- var gSessionManager = window.opener.gSessionManager;
- gSessionManager.load(getSelectedSession().fileName, mode);
- }
- function onCmdRenameOK() {
- var new_name = document.getElementById("text_box").value;
- dumpnl(
- "rename '" + getSelectedSession().fileName + "' -> '" +
- new_name + "'"
- );
- var gSessionManager = window.opener.gSessionManager;
- gSessionManager.renameSession(getSelectedSession().fileName, new_name);
- sessionTreeView.setData(window.opener.gSessionManager.getSessions());
- // select the renamed row again
- var r = sessionTreeView.getRowWhere(
- function(row){return row.data.name==new_name}
- );
- sessionTreeView.selection.select(r.idx);
- stdMode();
- }
- function onCmdRename(label) {
- inputMode(label, onCmdRenameOK);
- }
- function onCmdDelete() {
- dumpnl("delete " + getSelectedSession().fileName);
- var gSessionManager = window.opener.gSessionManager;
- gSessionManager.remove(getSelectedSession().fileName);
- sessionTreeView.setData(window.opener.gSessionManager.getSessions());
- document.getElementById("sessiontree").focus();
- }
- function onCmdSaveOK() {
- alert("save as " + document.getElementById("text_box").value + " (not implemented yet)");
- }
- function onCmdSave() {
- var name = window.opener.gSessionManager.getFormattedName(
- window.opener.content.document.title || "about:blank",
- new Date()
- );
- inputMode("Save", onCmdSaveOK, name);
- }
- function onCmdSaveWindowOK() {
- alert("save window as " + document.getElementById("text_box").value + " (not implemented yet)");
- }
- function onCmdSaveWindow() {
- var name = window.opener.gSessionManager.getFormattedName(
- window.opener.content.document.title || "about:blank",
- new Date()
- );
- inputMode("Save Window", onCmdSaveWindowOK, "Window: " + name);
- }
- function onCmdOpenFolder() {
- window.opener.gSessionManager.openFolder();
- }
- function isColumnCropped(tree, col) {
- var treebox = tree.boxObject;
- treebox.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsITreeBoxObject);
- //var treebox = col.nsITreeColumns.nsITreeBoxObject;
- //var tree = ??
- for (var i = 0; i < tree.view.rowCount; ++i) {
- if (treebox.isCellCropped(i, col))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // There must be a better way!!!
- function autoFitColumn(tree, col) {
- var treebox = tree.boxObject;
- treebox.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsITreeBoxObject);
- // this works for me...
- col.element.setAttribute("width", 93);
- return;
- var min_width = 0;
- while (isColumnCropped(tree, col)) {
- min_width = col.width;
- col.element.setAttribute("width", 2 * col.width);
- // sigh, without this alert the width isn't updated...
- alert("");
- }
- var max_width = col.width;
- // find the optimal width by binary search
- var w;
- while (min_width < max_width) {
- w = Math.round((min_width + max_width) / 2);
- col.element.setAttribute("width", w);
- // sigh, without this alert the width isn't updated...
- alert("");
- if (isColumnCropped(tree, col))
- min_width = w + 1;
- else
- max_width = w - 1;
- }
- if (min_width != max_width) dumpnl(min_width + "!=" + max_width);
- col.element.setAttribute("width", min_width);
- }
- function onLoad() {
- window.addEventListener("unload", onUnload, false);
- sessionTreeView.setData(window.opener.gSessionManager.getSessions());
- document.getElementById("sessiontree").view = sessionTreeView;
- var tree = document.getElementById("sessiontree");
- autoFitColumn(tree, tree.columns.getColumnAt(3));
- tree.view.selection.select(0);
- tree.focus();
- }
- function onUnload() {
- dumpnl("unloaded");
- }